

When working with a criminal defence lawyer, there are several things to expect. A criminal defence lawyer offers several services to their clients, including legal expertise, personal attention, investigation, negotiation, representation, communication, and emotional support. They can provide guidance and support to help you understand the charges, potential penalties, and possible outcomes of your case. Additionally, they investigate the facts of the case, negotiate with the prosecutor, and represent you in court, all while keeping you informed about the case's progress. By working with a criminal defence lawyer, you can more easily navigate the legal process and achieve the best possible outcome.

Contact us today and see how our criminal defence lawyers can help with your case and get you the settlement you deserve. Book now for an in-person or virtual no-obligation consultation that comes at no cost to you! 

Legal expertise    

Criminal defence lawyers have a deep understanding of criminal law, which includes statutes, regulations, case law, and court procedures. They have extensive knowledge of the legal system and understand how it works at both the provincial and federal levels. This knowledge allows them to identify and analyze legal issues related to your case and to develop a strategy that best protects your rights and interests.

For example, if you have been charged with a crime, a criminal defence lawyer will be able to determine whether the prosecution has enough evidence to support the charges against you. They can also evaluate the legality of any evidence that the prosecution wants to introduce against you and identify any weaknesses in the prosecution's case.

In addition, a criminal defence lawyer can help you understand the legal consequences of your charges and the potential penalties you face. They can explain the legal process to you, including the different stages of a criminal case, and help you make informed decisions about how to proceed.

The legal expertise of a criminal defence lawyer is critical to building a strong defence and protecting your rights throughout the legal process. They are equipped to handle the complexities of criminal law and to ensure that your case is handled in a fair and just manner.

Personal attention 

A criminal defence lawyer will provide individualized attention to your case. They will answer your questions and develop a strategy that best suits your needs and interests. They will take the time to listen to your concerns and understand the details of your case.

You can also expect to work closely with your lawyer to develop a defence strategy that best suits your needs and interests. They will explain the legal process to you and provide guidance on what to expect at each stage of the case. This includes explaining the charges against you, the potential penalties, and the evidence that the prosecution has against you.

A criminal defence lawyer will also be available to answer any questions you have about your case. They will provide you with regular updates on the progress of your case and inform you of any significant developments. 

Another benefit is having them as an advocate throughout the legal process. They will fight to protect your rights, including your right to a fair trial and due process. They will also work to ensure that you are treated fairly by the prosecution and the court.


A criminal defence lawyer will investigate the facts of your case, gather evidence, and interview witnesses to build a strong defence on your behalf. This includes gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and examining the prosecution's case.

Your criminal defence lawyer will review all of the evidence against you and identify any weaknesses in the prosecution's case. They may also conduct their own investigation to uncover additional evidence that could be used to support your defence.

They may work with expert witnesses to provide testimony on your behalf. For example, they may consult with a forensic expert to analyze DNA evidence or a medical expert to evaluate injuries or medical conditions related to your case. 

You can also expect help with preparing legal arguments and motions to challenge the prosecution's evidence or request that certain evidence be excluded from the trial. They will ensure that all legal procedures are followed correctly and that your rights are protected at every stage of the case.

Overall, a thorough investigation is critical to building a strong defence and identifying any weaknesses in the prosecution's case. Your criminal defence lawyer will use their legal expertise to uncover any evidence that could support your case and to challenge the evidence presented by the prosecution. By doing so, they will work to achieve the best possible outcome for you.


Another expectation would include professional assistance in negotiating with the prosecutor to seek a plea deal or reduced charges, if possible. A plea deal is an agreement between the defendant and the prosecution in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty or no contest to a lesser charge or to a reduced sentence in exchange for a concession from the prosecution, such as dropping charges or reducing the penalty.

Negotiating a plea deal can be advantageous for both the defendant and the prosecution. For the defendant, a plea deal can result in a reduced sentence or lesser charge, avoiding the risk of a more severe penalty if found guilty at trial. For the prosecution, a plea deal can result in a quicker resolution to the case and save resources that would be required for a trial.

Your criminal defence lawyer will negotiate on your behalf with the prosecutor to seek the best possible outcome for your case. They will use their legal expertise to identify potential avenues for negotiation and to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the prosecution's case.

They may also use the negotiation process to gather additional information about the prosecution's case or to seek concessions that could benefit your defence. For example, they may negotiate to have certain evidence excluded or to limit the scope of the charges against you.

Negotiating with the prosecutor can be an effective strategy for achieving a favourable outcome in a criminal case. Your criminal defence lawyer will work to protect your rights and interests throughout the negotiation process and ensure that you understand the terms of any plea deal or reduced charges.


If your case goes to trial, your criminal defence lawyer will represent you in court and present your defence to the judge and jury. This includes questioning witnesses, presenting evidence, and making legal arguments on your behalf.

Your criminal defence lawyer will work to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the trial and that you receive a fair and impartial hearing. They will use their legal expertise to challenge the prosecution's case and to present a compelling defence on your behalf.

During the trial, your lawyer will cross-examine witnesses called by the prosecution to challenge their credibility and to uncover any inconsistencies in their testimony. They may also present their own witnesses to testify on your behalf or to provide expert opinions on matters relevant to your case.

A criminal defence lawyer will also make legal arguments on your behalf, challenging the prosecution's evidence and presenting legal theories that support your defence. They will work to persuade the judge and jury that the prosecution has not met its burden of proof and that you are not guilty of the charges against you.


If you are convicted of a crime, you can expect to be represented by your lawyer during the sentencing phase of the trial or plea deal negotiation. This involves presenting mitigating factors that may help to reduce your sentence. They may present evidence or arguments to the judge or jury that highlight your positive qualities, such as your character, family circumstances, work history, or contributions to your community. It may be argued that the circumstances of your case were unusual or that the punishment requested by the prosecution is excessively severe.

Additionally, your criminal defence lawyer may recommend alternative sentencing options to the judge, such as community service or rehabilitation programs, that may be more appropriate than imprisonment.

The sentencing phase of a criminal case is a critical moment for your defence. Your criminal defence lawyer will work to present your case in the best possible light and to advocate for the most favourable sentence for you. By doing so, they will work to achieve the best possible outcome for your case, even if you are ultimately convicted of a crime.

Appeals process    

After the trial, if you are convicted of a crime, your criminal defence lawyer may help you with the appeals process. An appeal is a legal process in which a higher court reviews the decision made by the lower court to determine whether any legal errors were made during the trial that affected the outcome.

If you choose to appeal your case, your criminal defence lawyer will help you to identify legal issues that may have affected the outcome of your trial. They will then prepare legal arguments and briefs to present to the appellate court, arguing that the lower court made legal errors that affected the outcome of the case.

They may also represent you during the appellate hearing and argue on your behalf to the appellate court. They may also negotiate with the prosecution to seek a favourable resolution to your appeal.

Overall, the appeals process can be complex and requires specialized legal expertise. Your criminal defence lawyer can help you navigate the appeals process and advocate for your rights throughout the process. By doing so, they will work to achieve the best possible outcome for your case, even after a conviction.